First login

Since UltraFX’s establishment in 2011, our highest and most crucial priority has been safeguarding our clients’ data and privacy on our servers. We require all our clients to follow a mandatory procedure: replacing their newly created server password with a self-created one. This new password is the sole means of accessing the server, and only the client possesses it. Clients bear the responsibility of securely maintaining this password.

Neither UltraFX nor any of its employees have access to this password or the server. It functions as a master password and cannot be reset or recovered. If a client loses this password, access to the server becomes impossible, and all its content will be permanently deleted. In such a scenario, we can only provide a new server.

The new password should meet our minimum security requirements:

  • minimum 10 digits
  • at least one Lower case letter
  • one upper case letter
  • one number